Safer ACC Project
The Disruptive Product: Upganic
Bionative Project, called “Safer ACC”, is intended to bring to the market an efficient non-toxic plant growth regulator for fruit & vegetables ripening: Upganic
A healthy alternative for artificial ripening
Due to the well-known importance of fruit’s flavour and colour for market acceptance, the growers are forced to use different artificial techniques to induce ripening.
In Bionative (Formerly Just Global S.L.), this problem was identified as a new business opportunity, starting an intensive research to provide the agricultural sector with a disruptive molecule that could act as artificial ripening Plant Growth Regulator, while assuring affordability & harmlessness criterion.
In 2017, Safer ACC project is funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Programme (Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises) aimed at reducing industrial production cost, demonstrate Upganic performance, harmlessness and economic competitiveness with the valid demonstration actions and register.
The proyect will last 24 month, starting date of the action 01/03/2018.