AKIS International wants to be a global model in terms of technology transfer to agri-food companies, both nationally and internationally.
AKIS provides services to those companies that want to optimise the performance of their farms through more efficient production techniques.
Besides, its services are available for research centres and institutions that need a new approach using new measurement techniques and advanced data analysis.

Kaeltia is an enthusiastic and motivated consultancy company formed by experienced and highly skilled scientist PhD and MsC with chemistry, toxicology, environmental and agronomic profile.
It is specialist in providing scientific regulatory assistance to chemical industries helping them to get or keep their products on the market.
It offers a qualified, independent and cost-effective service with maximum commitment to deadlines.
Besides, its services are available for research centres and institutions that need a new approach using new measurement techniques and advanced data analysis.

Ateknea Solutions provides business and technological excellence to Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) to develop their ideas into profitable, innovative solutions.
Ateknea Solutions offers its support to companies in innovation, project management, business development, research and engineering and EU funding and private venturing areas.

The Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa) was founded on April 26, 1973 and is under the aegis of the Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, and Food Supply.
Since its foundation, and with its partners from the National Agricultural Research System, it has taken on the challenge to develop a genuinely Brazilian model of tropical agriculture and livestock to overcome the barriers that limited the production of food, fiber, and fuel in Brazil. This effort has helped to change Brazil. Nowadays, Brazilian agriculture is one of the most efficient and sustainable ones in the planet.